Hallo Europa!
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Dienstag, 16. Juni 2015

 Hello Europe!

Dear fellow anglers!

Ever since my childhood "big catches" of every kind have exerted their enormous fascination on me!
More than 30 years ago I started making records of some of fish species.

First I limited myself to my home region of the Pinzgau (Salzburg, Austria) and expanded over time
over the whole of Europe.

My primary goal is now to "legally" get to the pictures of such big catches,
because only pictures have this extraordinary fascination, numbers and facts are just not the same.

Basically, it is prohibited to copy pictures from the internet or magazines and then publish them without

prior consent - that is why I would like to choose this way to send out a call to all fellow anglers who
had the luck to catch one of those super-fish somewhere in Europe to support me in my work.
It does not matter if these catches date back even 50 or more years.

Please send me one or two pictures of them to the following email address: office@petri-heil.net



Let us take part in your successes!

I would like to permanently publish these pictures and the relevant data on our website: 

www.petri-heil.net – showing Capital fish from European Waters.

With every picture that you send this gallery - which comprises more than 30 different species of fish -
will become more and more fascinating, dear readers, and will mirror our life dreams
(at least as far as fishing is concerned).

I just do not want to let anything untried and want to turn my vision - publishing
"The biggest fish in Europe" on our website - into reality.

It is on you, fellow anglers, to support me - after all, we will all benefit from it!


Greetings from Austria and "Tight lines"!

Fischer - Berni





The catches are taken up into my gallery starting from the following weight categories:



● Asp  -  Aspius aspius  -  6 kg
● Atlantic Salmon  -  Salmo salar  -  15 kg

● Barbel  -  Barbus barbus -  6 kg

● Brook Trout  -  Salvelinus fontinalis  -  2 kg
● Brown Trout  - Salmo trutta forma fario  -  6 kg
● Carp - Cyprinus carpio  -  25 kg
● Catfish  -  Silurus glanis  -  100 kg  (70 kg – Germany/Austria/Switzerland)

● Chub  -  Leuciscus cephalus  -  3 kg

● Cod  -  Gadus morhua  -  25 kg

● Common Bream  -  Abramis brama  -  6 kg

● Withefish  -  coregonus  -  4 kg
Crucian Carp  - Carassius carassius -  2,5 kg

Danube Salmon  - Hucho hucho  -  20 kg

● Eel  -  Anguilla anguilla - 3 kg

● Grass Carp  -  Ctenopharyngodon idella  -  20 kg

● Grayling  -  Thymallus thymallus  -  2 kg

Great Lakes Char  -  Salvelinus alpinus  -  2 kg
● Ide  -  Leuciscus idus -  3 kg

Lake Burbot   -  Lota lota  -  2 kg
● Lake Trout  -  Salmo trutta lacustris  -  8 kg
● Marmor Carp  -  Aristichthys nobilis -  30 kg

● Nase  - Chondrostoma nasus  -  2,5 kg
Nothern Pike  -  Esox lucius  -  20 kg
● Perch  -  Perca fluviatilis  -  2,5 kg

● Pikeperch  -  Stizostedion lucioperca  -  10 kg

● Roach  -  Rutilus rutilus   -  1,5 kg
● Rudd  - Scardinius erythrophthalmus  -  1,5 kg
● Sea Trout  - Salmo trutta forma trutta  - 8 kg

● Silber Carp  -  Hypophthalmichthys molitrix  -  30 kg
● Tench  -  Tinca tinca  - 3 kg

Please send your pictures and data to the following address: office@petri-heil.net




Bildquelle:  www.goethe-gymnasium-stolberg.de 



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