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Samstag, 06. Februar 2016


Edition November 2015 The independent news from www.fishing-worldrecords.com

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the largest Cyprinus carpio in the world are waiting in Euro-Aqua lake for nutritious boilies  

Again new world record carp from Euro-Aqua at
106 lb

Once again the world record carp has been broken with the capture of a 48 kg (nearly 106 lb) specimen from „Euro Aqua" in Hungary. Czech angler Thomas Krist managed to land a huge mirror carp on 18 may 2015. The lake burst on the carp scene three years ago, when Roman Hanke made an amazing 46 kg plus catch.
The commercially-run 11 hectare lake is a former gravel pit near Lake Balaton. The fishery holds many more giant carp, plus catfish, zander and pike. At the moment the commercial fishing lakes Le Graviers, Abbey Lakes and Rainbow Lake hold carp up to 100 lb, along with Lake Keltcherhoef in Belgium.

More Common and Mirror Carp records



The two pike species normally have a different coloration in comparison to the Northern Pike  

Two new, large pike species in Europe "discovered"

Due to intensive research of scientists in the last years, two new pike species were described. The Southern Pike (Esox cisalpinus) restricted to Italy (potentially present in other European water bodies in the Mediterranean area) in 2011 and the Aquitanian Pike (Esox aquitanicus) native in France, in 2014. Both species reach interesting sizes of around 10 kg and over 100 cm. Unfortunately they hybridize with the Northern Pike (Esox lucius), so stocking programs should be stopped in the native range of this newly discovered species. 

More pike species



Possible new maximum size for the species  

Freshwater Snapper - possible record from Solomon Islands

A specimen around 24 kg (53 lb) was caught by a wellknown Australian angler on an exploratory trip with Solomon Sport Fishing Safaris. This could be a new rod & reel record and also the new maximum size for the Freshwater Snapper orSpot Tail Bass. Length and weight are only estimations as there were no scales or measuring tapes on hand at the time of capture and the fish was released alive.

More about the species



The Barred Sorubim is a "by-catch" while fishing for Spotted Sorubim  

New 32 kg (over 70 lb) Barred Sorubim world record

A 32 kg (over 70 lb) specimen was caught by Pablo di Santi, director of the TV program „Tiempo de Pesca“ in the Rio Parana in Argentina last year. The catch was reported by Argentina Fishing Adventures, the most important foreign tour operator in Argentina. The species should not be confused with the far larger Spotted Sorubim.  

More Barred Sorubim bestmarks  



Giant freshwater eels live also in Bangladesh  

First picture of an Indian Mottled Eel in record-size  

Right after we reported the first rod & reel record last year, we got the picture of a really large specimen from Mr. Hossain, a scientist in Bangladesh. The 175 cm (69 inch) specimen is a commercial catch from the Surma River. The men in the picture hold the giant eel a bit unlucky , so the true size is difficult to see.

More about the Indian Mottled Eel


Tight lines!


Heinz Machacek
chief editor

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