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Samstag, 18. Januar 2014


Edition January 2014

The independent news from


Dear Mr friends of fishing and ichthyology,

These are the latest world records and exceptional catches which we brought to light and verified this month. Please don’t forget to publish your business entry in the “Where to Fish” section. For a fee of 100,- or 200,- Euro per year you are able to present your company 5 million international fishermen. Your support guarantees the maintenance of this free high quality knowledge base and newsletter service.


44,75 kg Giant Tigerfish from the dark side of the planet


45 kg (99 lb) Giant Tigerfish caught

In 2012 Christo Human from South Africa caught the third Goliath Tigerfish in the 45 kg class. He took the fish to South Africa to have a trophy made. It was weighed on an accurate scale. Although we know about some rod caught specimen over 50 kg (110 lb), we are still looking for high quality photos of these catches!

More about the catch



+29,5 kg (+65 lb) Deccan Mahseer



Deccan Mahseer - 36 years old record almost beaten

A lot of information exists about fishing for the Mussullah Mahseer in the Cauvery River. But nearly nobody knows, that a second large Mahseer species lives in this famous river, Tor khudree. In the last years the first photos of record size specimen appear and now Derek D'Souza caught a specimen over 65 lb, in the region of the 36 years old record!

More about the species



first real rod & reel world record at 39,2 kg


First Striped Wallago record at
39 kg (86 lb)

If you are reading the IGFA newsletter of the last years, it seems that only few new freshwater species were added to the all tackle record list. By contrast we still proactively search new bestmarks for species which are not in the focus of the Western world. The Striped Wallago in Southeast Asia is the cousin of the Wallago in South Asia. On 29 July 2013 Ms. Benchawan Thiansungnoen set the first rod & reel record at 39,2 kg in the Khao Laem Reservoir. She also caught a larger specimen at 49 kg (108 lb), but it got snagged and she needed help from divers to free it.

More about the species


7,5 kg Mad Barb rod & reel record


7,5 kg Mad Barb record

As every year we were informed about a lot of new, well-documented records from Palm Tree Lagoon Fishing Park in Thailand. This water hosts a broad range of native and non-native species. For example a Danish angler caught a new rod & reel record for Mad Barb in December 2013. Remark for scientists: All record catches from PTL are measured over the body curve, because the length doesn't matter for the IGFA all tackle applications. This means the total length and standard length data in the IGFA database are not 100% correct! 

More about the catch


5,1 kg Brahmaputra Labeo or Kali Rohu


Well-documented record for Brahmaputra Labeo  

In 2001 we discovered the first photo of a Brahmaputra Labeo, also called Kali Rohu in record size. The fish was photographed by J. F. Helias at the shores of Srinakarin Reservoir. On 12 July 2013 a new best mark of 5,1 kg was set by a female angler. In addition Thai fishing parks and wild waters produced new world records for Mrigal, Black Sharkminnow, Lemon Barb, Thai Shark Catfish and the African Giraffe Catfish in 2013. 

More about the catch


Tight lines!


Heinz Machacek
chief editor 



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“News World Records Freshwater Fishing” is a service of Fishing World e.U., Aidagasse 1/8/21, 1230 Vienna, AUSTRIA, chief executive: Heinz Machacek, Phone: +43 664 88 38 64 64, email:, eingetragenes Einzelunternehmen, Commercial Registry Number: FN 379487w, Commercial Court of Registration: Handelsgericht Wien, VAT Number: AT U67194001
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Fishing World e.U. runs an online portal for angler searching record catches and destinations. The service is free for end users and the operation of the portal is financed through advertising partners.

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