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Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Christmas - New Year 2012 

Come and spend Christmas or New Year with us!

We have pleasure in attaching details of  two safaris we will be operating over the Christmas and New Year holidays – excellent value for money during a period which is usually difficult to find availability at a reasonable price.

We have built up a great following in the British and American expatriate community living in Cairo. Over the Eid ul Adha holidays which start on November 6th we have four expatriate families coming on safari. One of these groups is an all time first for the African Angler, a safari comprising of more women than men!

In June and July we had an hour long documentary showing on the National Geographic Channel called Lake Monsters which was part of their series ‘Hooked’. It was our bad luck that we had this great publicity right in the middle of all the problems in the Arab world! 

Some of you might still be a bit concerned about the political climate in Egypt. If you have been following the events, you will agree it is remarkable how positive the result of Egypt’s people revolution has been to date, whoever thought that Hosni Mubarak would be brought to trial? There will no doubt be more riots in Cairo if changes do not continue tomove forward fast enough and some demonstrators, especially young men, will get carried away on the spur of the moment but this is short lived. Unfortunately the sensational media will probably manage to make it all look a lot worse than it really is. The bottom line is Egypt is a safe destination.

If you have difficulty opening the attachment you will be able to find full details under the Specials Section on our

For bookings and further details please contact me directly

Looking  forward to welcoming you on safari.

Christmas & New Year Special 


Peter Baily

African Angler Pty Ltd.
Web site:

P.O. Box 1063
Crows Nest

Sydney NSW 1585

Tel: 61 2  99669316

Mobile: 0423 261 875



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